this is my 3rd sequel from the mental lexicon saga ( too old to heart cullen).the mental lexicon I was abandoned because of the slow server.the mental lexicon II is-now-defunct simply because i lost the password and can't login.
Showing posts with label random. Show all posts
Showing posts with label random. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

obesity : queen sized

im watching queen sized.a drama on big teenage girl winning her homecoming queen title.i really love this kind of story where people defied any challenges and win the battle of self-esteem.

id went through a childhood with big girl stamped on my forehead.with the harsh and rude kids who made remarks on big people, it just collapsing more and more the self esteem on me. parent should teach their child to have better manner and dont simply call big people with names.i might say i want to slap them on face.and now, most of them are having reversing process with me.(this is karma,peeps!kidding)

and im not sure whether im on diet or depressed or whatsoever whatcamacallit, i lost my appetite and resulting me lost loads of kilos. i entered new school year (standard 4) as a skinny girl.

what am trying say here is, the epidemic of obesity and how people perceived it. first, obesity is increasing and often it comes with negative effects.most people know, to prevent obesity, healthy lifestyle is needed.second, the negative connotation and rude remarks by skinny society on this people.this is among the factor that contributed to the depression and continuing indulging on obesity lifestyle.

let me put this way.often,family of obese child, will shower them with loads of unhealthy food. some even going further by encouraging glued-to-the-magic box attitudes.some parents extend their wildness of being being too protective, ironically by being sympathetic.this big girl DID NOT need sympathy.dont look at them as fat girl.look at them as your child who deserve your help on having healthier body and a parent, your role and power on shaping your child is high.why dont you use it?

for obese people to shed all those excess baggages, the most important thing is support from the loved ones.if your obese persona trying to lose weight,give him/her support. encourage them to have healthy life and balanced meals.prevent y ourself from inviting them joining mamak at 12 midnite. encourage her to exercise.thats the right way to do so.

obesity is an epidemic and helps your child to go out from it.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

FB & Life


  1. not all the people do what they stated on the status.
  2. islam should be practiced in your life in all aspect not just practice it on FB.
  3. people always think they are right eventhough they are wrong.
  4. people are always absence of empathy. they judged condition based on what they are up to.not the person on it.
  5. some people are so narrow minded and overboard when it comes to practicing Islam. (kamonn!!nothing wrong of women working!!!).
  6. you might be close virtually but not necessarily in real life.

conclusion is : beware.FB will kills your reality social skills as the radio kills the superstar!! haha *kidding!!

Saturday, December 25, 2010


i might say, i have good quality in fashion department. although im having a 'zuhd' life nowadays (hehe) but seriously, it doesnt kill my fashion fact im made a good fashion police.people can judge me.

but am not putting my focus on fashion.i just wear abaya & shayl.i said JUST.not for any other reason.i wear it for it modesty & comfort.i prefer a toned down design & fact,the minimal it is the more i like it.
the era of fashionista on me had faded (lol!!budget artis hollywood?)

so now, i became bored to visit fashion-based sites.furthermore yg ada abaya-based.kalau jual xpa set yg fashion2.kalau nk berlebih2 sgt,sy takkan berabaya.saya pakai je kaftan.maybe kita patut dengar balik perkataan TABARRUJ la kot.

yeah.back to normal life: game..kehkehkeh

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

open up

i cant stand people who blasting all things from west are bad and came with hidden agenda. there are some bloc of people who abstain themselves from having vaccination and avoiding any kind of family planning based on "that's Jews agenda". OMG!(reminder: this pillow talks applicable for married couples.i didnt condone any illegal sexual intercourse among muslim (read:ZINA) in facts i hate that so much)

did you know that, medical advancement is a gift from God? it is really up to us to think which is good and which is our country, the rate of maternal & infant fatality are dropped and among the lowest in the region.why? because of the quality offered by the health service in our country; in which includes proper ante-natal care and post natal care.we have vaccination fro examples Rubella,HPV,UTT; which is helps on diminishing the risk of fatality during pregnancy. these vaccine also helped by promising better health and preventing any worst case.

what i cant stand is,when people kept condemning, this is all the agenda from jews to ruin the muslims.i see this ante-natal care is a good way of taking yourself during prevents you from having any complication later on.

and talking about married woman, contraception is a hit among us. if you want many kids go ahead.dont blame people who use contraception. there is no wrong for married couples to plan their family. see what happened now? we are good in quantity but somehow it doesnt translate into quality. even in Islam, breastfeeding is encouraged until 2 years old because it is good way of family planning (i think that is why ALLAH stated 2 years, so that you can continue bear a child later on.2 years are ideal for next baby, i guess.again,this is what the muslim scientist should study.there is always an idea on what ALLAH said).
even among the sahabah of prophet Muhammad saw, practiced azal (ejaculated outside the vagina) to prevent pregnancies.

i didnt know what to say.sometimes we need to open up a lil have internet, use it to find info.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Memoir of the Gamers

Ive been playing computer games at the age of 15. It all started when my uncle, who was just graduated from Mc Gill Univ in Canada (Comp Sc. degree) stayed with us for the earliest months upon his graduation. The first game was Fifa 98. Which was at that time was deemed as superb,magnificient and wonder with all the 3D graphics

Fifa 98

Then, i addicted to the game which i cant recall its name.It came with me as a hunter or savager completed with guns and ammo.i complete dthe highest level when i defeated a big gigantic man with the body of crab.below is the likeliest screen of the games i played.

During my undergrad in MMU, with all the hyper IT facilities, again I indulged on MIRC.not to be involved chatting anonymously with stranger which in return is anonymous or fake or you'll never knew the truth identities.but i joined a quiz channel.the bot gave the questions and the winner was the fastest given the answer.i was ranked among top 5.and for God sake , i was using a 'kreeping' as a nickname.psycho isnt'it?and at that time i already wear the long hijab and actively involved with muslim student associations.LOL

MIRC : Does it bring the memories?

At the same time, I played The Sims.And my desktop often jammed because of the high graphic demands from it

Then,the revolution of Yahoo Messenger.Again,I spent my time playing games there.Started from the Scrabbles and joined the Fuzzy warm Feeling room, then moved to the one like the BookWorm and word games.I played almost everything except the games involved strategy and war something like that.

And while using Facebook,I addicted to Restaurant City.LOL!Luckily it doesnt demand too much time as player can start the shift and the game will be opened accordingly.

My Restaurant , Lazis at Restaurant City

yet,i still have my life!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

what's now , namewee?

we just celebrated 53rd Merdeka day.but the spirit of it was smeared by several racist remarks in our country.let me put this way.i viewed these racist remarks as rare and isolated cases.altho there were somehow indicated rapid surge on this uncivilized act.

now,namewee is being arrested under Sedition Act.the reason is clear.if people said this is unfair, "why is only him.not the headmistress?" i would simply said : "he already given chance 3 years back when he insulted ISLAM and Malay.and doing it for second time for what ever the reason is totally unacceptable." if people arguing " SO,the headmistress can do it.but not Namewee" my logic answer would bewhy must the racism remarks repay with the same one?it wouldnt help will create more racial tension & hatred (true isn't?)

my clear conscience regarding this Namewee issue is ; he was going overboard this time.because this is his 2nd time (or more?am not sure) for purposely doing an act of insulting other races.if he didnt satisfy for example with TNB or the headmistress, it is totally wrong to fight back with the racism remarks.No matter what,condoning bad behaviour in return to the bad behaviour is totally a state of mind from sick people.
and it is more sickening if what he lambasted is about ISLAM.and i read the translation of his songs , he insulting KPM.whats wrong with him? have you ever heard "kerana nyamuk seekor, sekelambu dibakar?" i sniffed a sense of arrogant here.if you really and badly want to fight for justice , do it wisely.write a letter to any editorial instead.

for those out there,who really think you are just people & want to uphold the equality , respect and justice , be aware : never ever to condone any racism , whether fully, or is either rascism or non-racism.sadly,it is easier said than done.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

zina lagi?

Ketua Menteri Melaka mencadangkan utk membantu golongan 'miang' yg masih belajar di bangku sekolah utk berkahwin.

.namun demikian,dari jangka masa panjang, tindakan ini dilihat sebagai satu langkah yang hanya menyelesaikan masalah pada permukaan sahaja dan bersifat jangkamasa pendek.seperti yg saya pernah tulis sebelum ini,'mengahwin'kan sahaja penzina ini bukanlah satu penyelesaian yang terbaik. Bagi saya,penyelesaian yang terbaik adalah menyuruh mereka bertaubat dan kembali ke jalan yg sebenar dan barulah berkahwin.Jika taubat dan menerapkan ajaran islam tidak diambil kira,maka masalah sosial masih akan berleluasa.

kita tidak mahu,dari perkahwinan sebegini rupa akan menghasilkan generasi yg lebih porak peranda.asbab perkahwinan adalah zina.anak pertama anak zina di mana secara nasabnya tiiada hubungan dgn si lelaki penyumbang sperma.dan dikhuatiri,keluarga yg didirikan atas dasar zina ini,akan menghasilkan pula generasi baru di masa hadapan : GENERASI SUMBANG MAHRAM.

selain drpd cadangan mengahwinkan mereka,janganlah lupa,ajar mereka kembali kepada ALLAH.ajarkan juga kepada mereka bagaimana mahu menangkap ikan.agar di kemudia hari perkahwinan,tidak menyusahkan ibubapa . paling ditakuti disebabkan nak jalan mudah utk hidup selesa,ada yg menjadi pelacur,pengedar dadah dan segala macam kerja2 maksiat.Yang mana akhirnya,gejala maksiat itu tidak berhenti malah berlanjutan.

Jika ingin diadakan sekolah utk pelajar2 hamil ini,saya cadangkan kurikulumnya tidak terlalu akademik.mereka ini sibuk dgn seks,dgn jantan bukannya banyak sangat dlm otak mereka buku dan ilmu.jadi bagi mereka kemahiran dan yang paling penting kelas tarbiah pemulihan akhlak dan iman.

tidak sukar jika semuanya kembali kepada islam.mengapa perlu pening2 memikirkan idea2 yg bukan2?lihatlah,tak pasal2 cukai yg kita bayar pergi kepada mereka yg tak sedar betapa untungnya hidup sbgai muslim & rakyat malaysia.

oo yeah..jangan lupa si penzina lelaki juga!

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

dr ray langston

i followed CSI from the very first episode some 10 or more years back.before CSI vegas was lead by grissom.and now he quit and dr ray joined the team. dr ray is a professor in criminalology and he is also a medical doctor.

csi gives me fresh idea on how to sought something informational data from watching series on tv.and i never tired of it.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


negaraku dilanda wabak zina.kondom percuma buat lelaki penzina.pil perancang percuma buat wanita berzina.dan tempat pembuangan khas utk bayi2 hasil zina.jika kita mengkaji kondisi efektif bagi pembiakan,ini adalah salah satu kondisi yg TERBAIK utk membentuk generasi zina di Malaysia.saya terbaca satu kajian,dalam tempoh 10 tahun,jika tidak dibendung gejala zina ini,hampir 60% bayi2 di Malaysia adalah hasil zina.dan lagi statistik masakini,kelahiran anak2 hasil zina ini adalah 1 setiap 17 minit.

semakin takut dgn dunia skarang ini.doaku pada ALLAH agar anak2 dan zuriat keturunanku diberkati hidup mereka,dilindungi dari dosa2,kejahatan syaitan,iblis,jin dan manusia berhati jahat.

Monday, June 21, 2010


i read a biography on Candy Jones (please google her).and one of the expert on psychology stated that people who are in stress and depressed for a long period of time, having a traumatic experience, victims of any kind of abuse are people that easily being hypnotize and put on trance.Even a snap of fingers will do.

no wonder,jin and bad spirit will choose people with weak hearts & emotions to be with. strengthen yourself with ibadah!!! pray 5 times , add with solah sunah and read quran with dzikr.Dua for ourselves.Hasbunallahu wa nikmal wakeel

Sunday, June 20, 2010

bercakap dengan jin

suami aku pi balik kampung di Yan sementelah dia ada keje kat penang.biasalah.ank soleh.padahal mak mertua ku duk sini dgn aku.wakakaka..

nk dijadikan cerita,makcik suami aku ni dituruni roh puteri purbakala.suami aku yg ustaz ni pon terpinga2 dibuatnya.tak pasal2 makcik die ni berubah gaya,suara ala2 puteri bangsawan.dia pon ada nk tergelak la makciknya jual nasi lemak ja tiba2 bercakap,bergaya ala2 puteri.konon2nya bak kata org2 kampung,jin tu nk menurun makcik suamiku tu jadi bomoh.mcm2

makcik suami aku ni da lama sakit.depa kata org buat.dah sebulan dok atas tikar semayang dok zikir dan uzlah gitu.dan2 masa suami aku ni kebetulan pi rumah die,die menurun la plak.yg laki aku ni,die dok gatai mulut tanya kat roh tu.antaranya:

suamiku: macammana "nurul **** ***** (nama penuh aku)"
jin: diam sekejap..erm..orgnya putih,cantik,lemah skang dia kuat marah2.ada org dok perdengki dia.buat kelantan atau trengganu.isteri ini keras hatinya.sangat keras.

suami aku ckp masa die dgr lemah lembut rasa nk termuntah pun ada.suami aku siap kata bini aku ni kurang skit ja dari tentera jepun keras hati ni mmg.mak aku masa aku sekolah dulu pi tanya ustazah berubat islam.nk mnta la ayaq yassin.ustazah tu siap kata aku ni tersangat keras hati.aku pon rasa betul.aku mmg teguh dgn pendirian aku.dan..ehh jin ni kat aku cantik la beno..okla ..aku ni kira alhamdullillah idokle buruk beno ropenye.bak kata suami aku seblom kami kompem nk tunang

"asalkan tak muka ghurka jadila..alhamdulillah.." (ceh keji betoi..ada ka die ingat aku ada chance muka ghurka.

suami aku confuse skejap atas kejadian di atas.aku ni mmg tak percaya.sbb aku pgg kata2 kuliah aku dengar masa ust ismail kamus & penulisan dr haron din."elakkan bersahabat dgn jin.sebaik2 jin sejahat2 manusia"

maka aku memainkan peranan aku ala2 ustazah bahiyah gitu.aku guna pendekatan berhemah dpn mak mertua aku.aku jelaskan.aku pgg kata2 dua ustaz tersohor yg aku ckp tu.dan suami aku pon,bila aku dah perkuatkan gitu,dan2 die call kawan2 se alzharnya dulu yg skang dok mengubat org selepas belajar kat darussyifa.pendapat drang pon sama.benda begitu kene bawa berubat.mengarut jin dok perturun ilmu.

secara jujurnya..ini dah dua kali kes begini.seblom ni pon ada sorang kak ni.biasa ja pon die.aku pi ikut mertua aku ni la.tetiba..dia diam..melengung..dan2 keluar suara pakcik tua loghat kedah cakap dgn aku.terkejut mak enon aku.dia kata "cek ni ketegaq.ada resdung kuat"apa la..resdung aku plak yg dia cakapkan.aku siap pi tanya "pakcik org yaman ka?bunyi cam kedah ja"seriously aku pertikaikan sebab ya la..kata jin tu pak syeikh yaman..apa kahainya cakap kedah?musykil aku.tapi mak mertua aku cpt2 tepuk paha aku.die bg isyarat jgn.aku pon diam la

balik tu laki aku cakap kat aku.jgn main sukati ja.bukan apa.takut kita riak.allah benarkan nk jadi,dia masuk kat hang.satu hal.hehe

ntahla.inilah masalah yg buat aku terkeluar status "it is hard to have parents-in-law who believe on blackmagic and spirit just being polite but at the end i felt like a dumb ass" yg respond pon kawan aku mat salleh canada.die pon pandai..kata islam melarang benda2 begini.tapi die kata aku bukan dumbass sbb eventually aku akan mng kerana ke'polite'an aku tu..yeah..sangat benar!!!

tangani kemengarutan dunia dgn iman & ilmu

Friday, June 18, 2010


and suddenly this is my favourite fruit !!! hail the capsicum !!
i made an omelette with loads of onion + capsicum + tomatoes +spring onion !!
wrapped in a bread and washed it down with a coffee + goats milk.
THATS HAVEN!!(for those who have to stay up)

Friday, June 4, 2010

hallu..baba feen?

my kids enjoy this song!me too

this i promise you!

my fav song during varsity period!!enjoy!! JC is so much mature than bieber.whats wrong with girl nowadays?lol!!!OMG!!JC is sooo sooo sooo charming

Tuesday, May 25, 2010


melinda gordon said to her partner "no matter how big our wedding reception , the only matter is you and me."

school holiday is around the malaysia,people will choose this holiday to be married and held their wedding reception (walima).

regarding the marriage , in Islam the best woman is the one with the reasonable affordable amount of mahar and produces loads of children. but in a current situation , we witnessed the walima which is for me in a very large scale and outrageous.ok , people might say , it is once in a life time.but , hey ! is that necessary to splurge a big amount on it instead of keeping that excessive head banging spent money into your account for your new life after marriage?

and wedding is getting too much commercialized and somehow being used as a way to show off. dont you see , most of the weddings now have this rented luxurious car (ie mercedes, bmw) to fetch this married couples to their walima's venues.ok , lets us use our neuron on this incredible brain to justify this.if you are working with average income below rm1000 (approx USD 300+) and your partner is in the same level , WTheck you think when you decide to ride a MERCEDES during your walima?To show off?Listen to me dear,better save it for your future and dont started making any instalment!

And this so-called wang blanja kahwin, it is a bit different from mahr.this is your gift of money to your future wife and popular in malaysian culture.again WTheck you charged your future son-in-law RM10,000 for your just SPM holder working as a general worker in government agency.*dush*ding*dush ( punching my bean loathing.)Did you know that he is just a N27 staff in government agency and doing that you are burdening your daughter's life.

And the wedding feast.Why must nasi minyak/briyani and all those heart attack-on-the bay menu?why dont settle on the more healthy and yet affordable menu.Try roti telur or sardin or plain rice with roasted chicken & laods of vege?and plain dont need to borrow from others to marry your child.

Again,the wedding dresses.As i stated on my Facebook.It is okay to wear cheap items as long as it doesnt look cheap.Applied it here!Wear matched dresses & apply the suitable make-up. And again,Prada shoes,Givenchy make-up doesnt make sense to you if it doesnt matched with yourself.Be creative.And again!!please no replica of these famous name.Carlo Rino or Bonia is just good as the previous stated!

Last but nor least,respect your guests.Not all your guests loves to hear the voices that enables to crack their ear & whack their head (that including me!).Dont blaring any song session on the loud speaker.Just make it private among yourself & family.If i want to listen any song,Ill just stick to Rihanna,Beyonce & Mariah carey (what?hahaha)

And keep humming the sound of poverty ? this is what we called plain stupid , arrogant & never learnt a lesson people.get up!practice the real teachings of Islam.*duh

Monday, May 17, 2010


first of all ,this lil girl is 7 months old today.she is trying to crawl and can sit quite well ! how time flies!

my parents just came back from their vacation in surabaya,indonesia. they bought me a piece of beautiful 'kerawang' telekung , batik sarung , pelikat sarung for my hubby , coffee & choc

this is mocha.its bit sweet for my palate

this capuccino will make starbucks run for their money ! masyaallah so tasty & creamy ..also have that choc powder.and yes the name is tora bika

the batik sarung is the purple nice & fine.the motif is not too javanese though which is i like!!!and the color is so rich and this beautiful item is yet too cheap and i really heart mom said,she bought 15 pieces and has this pastel pink batik sarung.i think i want a matter of fact,i wear it at home.somehow,i didnt do justice for this beautiful piece of art.sigh

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Ayyam Zaman by Tamer Hosny

please enjoy this song by Tamer Hosny = Ayyam zaman.
* and this is what we called STATIC VIDEOCLIP

Sunday, May 9, 2010


i guess my body cant take it anymore. seriously. for a period of 30 hours , i slept 3 hours and now i started to experience heart beat is too fast.i started to sweat & my chest felt tight.and i breathed in afraid, time to sleep.selamat malam.

if this is not my sacrifice of acquiring knowledge , i didnt know what it should be then

Saturday, May 8, 2010


satu gambar diambil oleh kanak-kanak berusia 4 tahun.satu lagi oleh 'kanak-kanak' 22 tahun.cuba teka yg mana satu?hahhahahahahahha

dah romantik2 skali ada terselit plak bro tu tgh2

Thursday, May 6, 2010

pijak spek mata

terpijak spek mata snediri.akibatnya:

  1. kembali ke nikmat asal penglihatanku yg makin berkurangan
  2. merasai cebisan sedikit hamba AlLah yg ditarik nikmat penglihatan
  3. turun tangga pon berthati2 umpama pengantin baru
  4. menaip umpama terpaksa melekatkan mata di skreen laptop

kesimpulannya: mata adalah anugerah.