suami aku pi balik kampung di Yan sementelah dia ada keje kat penang.biasalah.ank soleh.padahal mak mertua ku duk sini dgn aku.wakakaka..
nk dijadikan cerita,makcik suami aku ni dituruni roh puteri purbakala.suami aku yg ustaz ni pon terpinga2 dibuatnya.tak pasal2 makcik die ni berubah gaya,suara ala2 puteri bangsawan.dia pon ada nk tergelak juga.ye la makciknya jual nasi lemak ja tiba2 bercakap,bergaya ala2 puteri.konon2nya bak kata org2 kampung,jin tu nk menurun makcik suamiku tu jadi bomoh.mcm2
makcik suami aku ni da lama sakit.depa kata org buat.dah sebulan dok atas tikar semayang dok zikir dan uzlah gitu.dan2 masa suami aku ni kebetulan pi rumah die,die menurun la plak.yg laki aku ni,die dok gatai mulut tanya kat roh tu.antaranya:
suamiku: macammana "nurul **** ***** (nama penuh aku)"
jin: diam sekejap..erm..orgnya putih,cantik,lemah lembut.tp skang dia kuat marah2.ada org dok perdengki dia.buat dia.org kelantan atau trengganu.isteri ini keras hatinya.sangat keras.
suami aku ckp masa die dgr lemah lembut rasa nk termuntah pun ada.suami aku siap kata bini aku ni kurang skit ja dari tentera jepun ganasnya..hahahah..tp keras hati ni mmg.mak aku masa aku sekolah dulu pi tanya ustazah berubat islam.nk mnta la ayaq yassin.ustazah tu siap kata aku ni tersangat keras hati.aku pon rasa betul.aku mmg teguh dgn pendirian aku.dan..ehh jin ni kat aku cantik la plak.bio beno..okla ..aku ni kira alhamdullillah idokle buruk beno ropenye.bak kata suami aku seblom kami kompem nk tunang
"asalkan tak muka ghurka jadila..alhamdulillah.." (ceh keji betoi..ada ka die ingat aku ada chance muka ghurka.
suami aku confuse skejap atas kejadian di atas.aku ni mmg tak percaya.sbb aku pgg kata2 kuliah aku dengar masa ust ismail kamus & penulisan dr haron din."elakkan bersahabat dgn jin.sebaik2 jin sejahat2 manusia"
maka aku memainkan peranan aku ala2 ustazah bahiyah gitu.aku guna pendekatan berhemah dpn mak mertua aku.aku jelaskan.aku pgg kata2 dua ustaz tersohor yg aku ckp tu.dan suami aku pon,bila aku dah perkuatkan gitu,dan2 die call kawan2 se alzharnya dulu yg skang dok mengubat org selepas belajar kat darussyifa.pendapat drang pon sama.benda begitu kene bawa berubat.mengarut jin dok perturun ilmu.
secara jujurnya..ini dah dua kali kes begini.seblom ni pon ada sorang kak ni.biasa ja pon die.aku pi ikut mertua aku ni la.tetiba..dia diam..melengung..dan2 keluar suara pakcik tua loghat kedah cakap dgn aku.terkejut mak enon aku.dia kata "cek ni ketegaq.ada resdung kuat"apa la..resdung aku plak yg dia cakapkan.aku siap pi tanya "pakcik org yaman ka?bunyi cam kedah ja"seriously aku pertikaikan sebab ya la..kata jin tu pak syeikh yaman..apa kahainya cakap kedah?musykil aku.tapi mak mertua aku cpt2 tepuk paha aku.die bg isyarat jgn.aku pon diam la
balik tu laki aku cakap kat aku.jgn main sukati ja.bukan apa.takut kita riak.allah benarkan nk jadi,dia masuk kat hang.satu hal.hehe
ntahla.inilah masalah yg buat aku terkeluar status "it is hard to have parents-in-law who believe on blackmagic and spirit thingy.im just being polite but at the end i felt like a dumb ass" yg respond pon kawan aku mat salleh canada.die pon pandai..kata islam melarang benda2 begini.tapi die kata aku bukan dumbass sbb eventually aku akan mng kerana ke'polite'an aku tu..yeah..sangat benar!!!
tangani kemengarutan dunia dgn iman & ilmu
Yeah, its hard to educate a believer..but first of all let me ROTFLOL about what the the 'putri' said about you hahaha!
Well, actually I do encounter with these 'event' so many times in my life...mmg tak percaya tapi terjadi depan mata la pulak... Susah nak percaya .. but susah jugak nak ignore..since jin & syaitan mmg exist...so I just try to restrict myself from thinking about it jauh dari my kempauan akal fikiran...takut pulak terjerumus ke khurafat...takut pulak syirik! So I dare not comment lebih2.
And if you are talking about in laws... let me reminds you something, my in laws come from diffrent backgrounds, belives and religions. But the key point is respect... they came to the mosque for my akad, all of them MIL, FIL, BILs turut sama menadah tgn berdoa dlm Masjid Yan itu selepas akad, wlaupun sebenarnya they opposed the wedding. So I respect them sbb they swallow their pride and came all the way that day.
On certain occasion,like on my BIL's wedding where I have to be at a temple for that occasion, but they faham I cant turut serta berdoa their 'way'.
But honestly mmg banyak benda yg really test my patience..through out this almost 9 years journey.
My first puasa at their place about 2 months after the wedding, (it was first puasa for adam) I have to be at their place, first time buka puasa without laungan azan, first time bangun sahur 'diam-diam' since they said me & adam are 'noisy' while diorg tengah tidur, all those kinda stuff. And when Adam keluar terawih, they were like, why should him? every nite?? the whole month??
But, so far I have never question their believes nor asking them to follow mine. Well, we are respect each other in this 'unique' way. I said unique because I know she still tak puas hati dgn I, ambil anaknya. And of course la i pulak susah jugak la kan nak buat 'baik' dgn org yg u tahu tak 'suka' you. I dont really care as long as she continue to sayang his son, show unconditional love to her cucu, I'm fine with it. Somehow rather we manage to make this one man happy, Adam... and all of us are happy...quite happy with it.
yea shilme..u have that courage lurve it!!taoi at least they are not muslim yet..when youre dealing with muslim tu yg jd pening.
i mmg budak KL so when i encounter this kind of kampung xperience mmg shockla..since org kampung dimomokkan sbg org baik2 compared to bandar.
am not sure..tp serious mmg kelaka..apahal nk ckp resdung i..?apsal??mmg i resdong banyak..
Well, where did u get the idea of org kg org baik2 and org bandar, tak? That's marginalized... I mean Nurul as far as I concern org bandar pun percaya those tahyul and stuff, I know these so called city girls,sikit2 bomoh, sikit bomoh, nak exam pon pi bomoh! Dear Allah help me!!
Talking about small country like Malaysia, sorry to say tak de beza nya pun kampung and bandar. What's the different tell me?
I dont mind telling the whole world that I org kg, but what do I missed out? Zaman dulu just that stupid Dayabumi?? Zoo Negara?? Or kalau zaman sekarang KLCC or LRT?? Itukah yg dikatakan KL/ Bandar?! Or anything else that I dont realize I missed?
I dont think ada bezanya kehidupan you dekat KL or me in kg. People's mentality usually based on their back ground and believe, not where they live.
I don't know what type of people are your in laws, but they brought up a good husband for you. You did your part, the rest just let your hubby handle, but we can never change people's mentality unless they themselves wants to, kan?.
Kalau setakat mentality masyarakat Malaysia, driving pun x leh ikut rules, toilet x reti nak flush, what are the difference? Kat KL toilet bersih than Kedah? Or org KL drive elok sikit from org kpg Or dekat kelantan semua lebih 'mulia' dari negeri lain?? Naaah! blame individually!
yeah there are certain exemption on that.and my paternal grandparents & U are so different.for the ppl who wentthru the years 80's & 90's where the nation was developing,this kind of thinking mmg banyak.am not that influenced.tapi if u watched movies ke,commercials ke during those years..mmg bnyk yg emphasized on this.i guess they really got it wrong though.
yeah.it is really on individual.and sadly,only a few then.it is so disheartening to deal with.and instead of believes that Allah is the only one who should depends on,we wasted with others.
and to add,no wonder i can 'baik' with u eventho u org kampung!!hehe
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