however,i found it is a bit disturbing,when some muslim kept condemning the existence of secretarian (mazhb) and the most saddened is to bad-mouthed the alim ulama (islamic scholars) who initiated it (read:imam hanafi,syafie,hambali,maliki).i dont see any wrong of practicing their opinion since most of the muslim are not able to have their own learning and understanding of Islam thoroughly.Their opinion and views can help us in guiding ourselves.It just a guideline and not a strict rules we have to obey.some consistency might help in creating peace of mind in our lives right?.it is confusing for muslim who know little about syarie to live his life without practical guidance.And again there is reason why Allah made Quran with non-fixed rules (besides hudud).because He wants us to use our brain and logic.to celebrate the power of aqli besides of naqli.

yet,this is the most reason why we failed to unite.we are too ego to accept differences.we are too ego te respect other opinion.and for most of the times it is done not just in the name of ignorance.but drive by emotion.how pathetic
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